Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The Big Thirst

Water is such an essential part of life that most of us have just accepted the fact that it will always be available. While this is true, many do not know just how powerful of an element water is. Charles Fishman, author of The Big Thirst, explains how much our society depends on water. One of the first things scientists look for when determining whether life on other planets is possible is whether or not there is any indication of the presence of water. Most of us take for granted the ability to turn the faucet and have easy, constant access to clean water. For many people, water is not as accessible.  The importance of water is obvious, but if it is a renewable resource, what is the concern? In a time where pollution is a major problem, water is susceptible to many of these pollutants contributed from major companies. The Big Thirst addresses some of the methods companies are using in an attempt to not only conserve water but to avoid polluting it. I am very interested in reading this book because I would like to become more knowledgable of such a simple substance that our entire world depends on. Instead of assuming that I always have access to clean water, I would like to form a better appreciation for something so vital to each and everyone one of us.

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