Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Stressed About Finals?

It's that time of year again. Finals are approaching quickly. Poor hygiene, sleepless nights, and splitting headaches are starting to become more frequent. As the stress builds, many students tend to feel physically unwell. But why? Scientists says that stress has more of an impact on our health than we realize. As we try and deal with stress, our immune system begins to suffer. The body releases pro-inflammatory cytokines, or signaling proteins that promote inflammation. The problem with these molecules is not only do they decrease our body's ability to fight infection and heal wounds, but inflammation also increases risk of heart disease, osteoporosis, and autoimmune diseases like Type 2 Diabetes. With Spring's beautiful weather also comes allergies. Stress contributes to an increased risk of allergies, worsening stressed students who suffer from pollen or other allergies. How do we avoid stress in such a stressful week? About.com provides 6 easy ways to help relax during finals week and get through the end of the semester. Personally, I have always found that exercise is a great stress reliever. The endorphins released during physical exercise not only make you feel good, but you'll feel better about yourself. Going into finals with confidence is one of the best ways to do well. Another tip not on the list is to make a reward system. Give yourself an incentive to get studying done, so you'll be able to stay focused and not give in to temptation. Follow these tips and you'll be sure to study away, stress free. Good luck!

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